Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)

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Members 2024-2025

Chair: Kate Choi ‘26

Katie Marie Pham ‘27

Shiela Phoha ‘26

Senior Advisor: Natalie Villacres ‘25


The purpose of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee is to promote awareness, education, and appreciation of diversity in the Brown community. This committee strives to make all Class Coordinating Board events inclusive and diverse and prioritizes the inclusion of different cultural groups on campus. 

These goals should permeate all aspects of an event, from planning to transportation to publicity and anything else that would make the event more inclusive. 

In addition to events, the Diversity and Inclusion Committee should also address and facilitate hard conversations about our internal culture. They should make space for marginalized identities to speak up during General Body meetings, and when seeing a chronic problem, they should put together an internal Class Coordinating Board training to teach members and initiate discussion. The Committee is also responsible for providing and reviewing staff training to ensure that the rest of CCB members have the knowledge and are comfortable with handling different situations. CCB prioritizes making all attendees of our events feel safe and supported at our events. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee endorses various statements, movements, emails, and policies for CCB.

Finally, the Diversity and Inclusion Committee has the responsibility of reviewing the Constitution and Election committee policies such as inclusive language, potential bylaws and amendments, elections, and wherever needed (i.e. making sure we are reaching out to different groups on campus).

2023 - 2024

D&I Committee ‘23-’24 collaborated with Students for Educational Equity (SEE) and to host “A Conversation with Evan Mandery: Community Engagement and Utilizing our Privilege as Ivy League Students.” Evan Mandery is a professor of Criminal Justice at College and the author of Poison Ivy - How Elite Colleges Divide Us. Mandery described how Brown University students have a responsibility to challenge social inequity and ensure that immense wealth is not concentrated and hoarded by students at elite higher education institutions.


D&I Committee ‘21-’22 collaborated with Students for Educational Equity (SEE) and Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere (HOPE) and hosted “A Conversation with Davarian Baldwin: University Accountability and its Impact on the Community.” Davarian Baldwin is the author of In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower: How Universities are Plundering our Cities, and he provided his expertise in a discussion on University accountability, the relationship between local communities and institutions of higher education, and how these issues relate back to Providence.

Additionally, CCB issued a statement in Solidarity with the Asian/Asian American Community as a response to the Stop Asian Hate movement. CCB’s email included a list of educational resources, mental health resources, and resources for Asian Women, Sex Workers & LGBTQ+, as well as resources at Brown through clubs and organizations in Rhode Island. CCB recognizes that Anti-Asian/American sentiment has been prevalent in the U.S. before the COVID-19 pandemic, and we stand in solidarity with our fellow students who self-identify as Asian experiencing harm from recent events and even before.

June 2020 A Diversity & Inclusion Working Group composed of Ella Joshi ‘21, Nick Correia ‘21, Bailie Salk ‘21, Bree Zhang ‘22,  Mel Cui ‘22, and Carina Sandoval ‘23 worked to provide student resources in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. In support of the Black community at Brown, Class Coordinating Board donated and matched donations of students. Read more about the statement and resources available to the students here: In Solidarity.

2018-19 Diversity & Inclusion Committee ‘18-’19 worked with the Class Board ‘19 to remove Dave Binder from Senior Week’s Class Day event. There were a number of D&I concerns brought to our attention about Binder’s cultural appropriation, and we wrote an open letter to clarify our decision. Please read more here: Dave Binder Letter